accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Cellarius, Johann
[Person] . – 1496 - 1542 . – cnp00985939
Croke, Richard
[Person] . – 1489 - 1558 . – cnp01021691
Crotti, Giovanni Giacomo
[Person] . – 1480 - 1545 . – cnp01876343
Emser, Hieronymus
[Person] . – 1478 - 1527 . – cnp01256262
Hornburg, Johannes
[Person] . – 1520 - 1576 . – cnp01124903
Knauer, Georg
[Person] . – 1520 - . – cnp01103614
Leonis, Nicolaus
[Person] . – 1529 - 1531 . – cnp01105051
Nusser, Georg
[Person] . – 1516 - . – cnp01107634
Schumann, Valentin
[Person] . – 1520 - 1559 . – cnp01363811
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