--- activity: - Bookseller - Library - Stationer activityDates: - century: - 19 end: 1859 lang: eng start: 1818 text: 1818-1859 activityNote: - lang: eng text: bookseller - lang: eng text: bookseller and public library timespan: 1821-1827 - lang: eng text: 'bookseller, stationer and circulating library' timespan: 1828-1835 heading: - firstname: Alexander headingOf: - NLS-SBTI name: Todd id: ~ placeOfActitivty: - externalID: - id: cnl00026636 source: ukct name: Edinburgh typeOfRelationship: other - address: 2 St Patrick Square externalID: - id: cnl00026636 source: ukct name: Edinburgh timespan: 1818-1819 typeOfRelationship: other - address: 1 St Patrick Square externalID: - id: cnl00026636 source: ukct name: Edinburgh timespan: 1820 typeOfRelationship: other - address: 2 St Patrick Square externalID: - id: cnl00026636 source: ukct name: Edinburgh timespan: 1821-1827 typeOfRelationship: other - address: 9 St Patrick Square externalID: - id: cnl00026636 source: ukct name: Edinburgh timespan: 1828-1835 typeOfRelationship: other - address: 1 St Patrick Square externalID: - id: cnl00026636 source: ukct name: Edinburgh timespan: 1836-1855 typeOfRelationship: other - address: 8 St Patrick Square externalID: - id: cnl00026636 source: ukct name: Edinburgh timespan: 1856 typeOfRelationship: other - address: 3 Clerk Street externalID: - id: cnl00026636 source: ukct name: Edinburgh timespan: 1857-1858 typeOfRelationship: other source: - Edin Dir variantName: - name: A Todd nonsorting: Mrs note: - lang: eng text: '*3 Clerk Street, **Edinburgh' timespan: 1859